Sunday, September 29, 2013

Within the Realm of Possibility

I've been gone for a while. I guess you could say it's been a time of metamorphosis in hiding, kind of like how a caterpillar disappears into a cocoon for a period of time, undergoes a private and painstaking makeover process, and breaks out into the world again a completely different creature, with a new angle from which to look at life. I hate how cliched that comparison is but it's the truest one I could find. Since I last posted I've moved to a new city, gone through a life-defining heartbreak and heart re-healing, changed my mind about what I want to do with my career, committed my life to faith, gone back to my natural hair colour and adopted my first name again, and basically, looking back it's slowly dawned on me that I'm a completely new person in so many ways. It's exciting and it's terrifying, but I guess that's something you have to love about life. It gives us many chances. And with my new dream of pursuing art and one day having the privilege of being able to do that full time, I'm devoting myself all over again to keep drawing, reminding myself that ink and paper are the bread and butter of my life, and that brushstrokes and paint fumes are the tools I have been given with which to process my emotions and learn who I really am, and where I really belong.

These are a few of the sketches I've done in recent months. The first one, Brittany, got me my very first order over Pinterest, which reminded me, my dreams are within the realm of possibility, and I do in fact, know exactly what I was born to do.